Monday, September 14, 2009

On the agenda: Caddo school board meeting

The Caddo Parish School Board is Tuesday and there are lots of items to hear about.

Here's the Cliff Notes version complete with links.

Item 1) How the impact of the minimum wage increase will effect Caddo Parish employees.

The minimum wage increases classified pay for example: subs in nine schools will get paid from $50 to $75. Here's what's in the board packet.

Item 2.) Discussion and vote on the request for a type II charter.

We've written about this before on the blog and we wrote a story about it in the paper. The short verison:
The charter application is being submitted by Eddie Cheathem who wants to open a K-5 school with a $3.5 million budget.

Item 3) Rename Math/Science Middle School to the M. J. Moore Math/Science Middle School, Moore was the Linwood principal who died in Feb.

Item 4) Approval of the contracts for the charter schools. Some of the services the district is providing are buses and lunch services.

We haven't gotten the contract yet though we've asked for it. We'll ask for it again and report back.

School board meeting is at 4:30 Tuesday at the district's offices, 1961 Midway.

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