Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dear laid off Texas teachers: Come to Caddo

From Times Archives
On a hunch, I called Mary Nash Robinson, the assistant superintendent of human resources for the Caddo Parish school district when I recently read that Ft. Bend ISD near Houston laid off teachers.

The Dallas school district also laid off teachers. It seemed that while we once were asking for teachers we have an abundance of them albeit because of budgetary reasons.

Caddo is always looking for teachers. And there also seems to be not enough programs and pathways for people to become teachers. Besides the traditional programs at LSUS and Centenary, there are also alternative certification programs at both schools as well as the Louisiana Teaching Fellows program (which is similar in some way to Teach for America). There's also some talk about bringing Teach for America to Shreveport.

Caddo is looking for all kinds of teachers. Special ed, of course, but middle school teachers are needed. Lots of them. They currently have 19 positions listed but that could change as we get closer to the end of the school year.

So Caddo is reaching out to the recently laid off teachers from Texas, reminding them about their options here. However, Robinson didn't say how they were reaching out to those Texas teachers.

"We're making those teachers aware of staffing and what they need to be certified (in Louisiana)," Robinson said.

To view teaching positions in Caddo, click here

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