Monday, April 5, 2010

LSUS Budget cuts

LSUS will be undergoing some cuts before the end of the fiscal year, which ends June 30.  This is the second cut for the year. There are more expected next year.

The campus will have to cut $841,312 by the end of year. Their total cuts for the year is $1.9 million.

Campus officials have a four part plan to implement said cuts.

1. Freezing operation budgets.

All general fund budgets are frozen for the rest of year. The money from said budgets went to pay student and graduate student salaries, travel, operating services, supplies and acquisitions.

2. Freezing student and graduate assistant positions

Those positions will not be filled for the period between spring and summer semesters.

3. Furlough classified, unclassified and administrative faculty.

This is the big one. Staff who make under $30,000 will be exempt from taking furloughs. For everyone else, the furloughs will last two days, one day in May and another in June. However, the unclassified professional staff, those that makes more than $100,000, have to take three days--one in May and another in June.

4. Declaration of Financial Exigency and Faculty Furlough

For everyone else, the campus will ask the broad of regents to declare financial exigency will allow faculty to take one furlough day in May.

Here's the break down of how the cuts would raise:

Budget freeze: $696,027
Student/Graduate student freeze: $35,000
Furlough classified staff -- 2 days: $13,020
Furlough unclassified staff -- 2 days: $27,104
Furlough administrative faculty -- 2 days: $7,226
Furlough unclassified staff and administrative faculty -- 3 days: $13,212
Furlough faculty-- 1 day: $49,723

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